Saturday, February 20, 2010

D-sorbitol Side Effects What's The Difference Between Sorbitol And D-sorbitol?

What's the difference between sorbitol and D-sorbitol? - d-sorbitol side effects

Is there a difference between sorbitol and D-sorbitol? I know that sorbitol is used as a sugar substitute, but what's with D-sorbitol? Do they have side effects or less than the other?


lovelala said...

theres no difference, just different forms of names

Andy said...

I'm not sure, but ...

L and D, find the chemical names are often in a version for left and right of the molecule.
In nature, often just to the left or right is chemically active.
You will find most of sorbitol, which is, in fact, sorbitol-D ....

L-and D refer to the plan so that polarized light is refracted.
Levo - Left
Dextro - Legal

I try a link to Wikipedia ...

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